Thursday, February 19, 2009

2009 Four Square World Championships

It is that time of year again ... The 2009 Four Square World Championships will happen up in snowy Bridgton, ME on February 28 from 5:00 to 9:00pm. Once again, they will be hosted by the Lakes Environmental Association. It is open to the public both to play and spectate and registration only costs $10 which includes pizza, snacks, and beverages. This is the one time a year where you can see over a hundred of the greatest Four Square players from all over the World. Rumor has it that Tiger Claw (pictured above) will be there to take down the defending champion from Canada. More information can be found on the official Four Square website. If you cannot make it all the way to Maine, you can follow the event on Twitter.

Some of my favorite T-shirts from Threadless

Monday, February 16, 2009

Last Thursday (12 Feb 2009) the Harpoon Brewery had a Tasting Party for its 26th 100 Barrel Series the Catamount Maple Wheat. It was held at the Kinsale, Asgard, or Metro 9; unfortunately, I was unable to attend because of a Volleyball Clinic on Thursdays.