Monday, May 2, 2011

Huron Beer Tasting

This Spring, my roommates hosted their annual work party at our apartment. It started out good with a make-your-own fajita station, then lulled out, but then everyone was surprised when it turned into a surprise beer tasting party.

We sampled 13 excellent beers in addition to a special appearance of Benlap IPA, which set the baseline for the scoring of the beer tasting.

This was the Beer rating system:

A - Annie would drink this, while pregnant, in Germany, in 1910, if she was there.
B - Tad would drink this, with work to do.
C - Coifable (Quaffable?)
D - Duncan pre game
F - Fit for Yale (My roommates went to Harvard)

In the end, Stone Brewing Company's Double Arrogant Bastard won with a B rating.