Friday, October 3, 2008

Brookline Family Restaurant

Last Wednesday (October 1st 2008) I went to Brookline Family Restaurant with my Wednesday Night Dinner group.  I went with my best friend Matt (who played with his iPhone the whole time).  I thought the waitress was good, but the food was even better.  It turns out they had just finished belly dancing right before we arrived. For food, I had a Turkish attempt at pizza.  The "pizza" tasted good but I could taste the animal.  The Turkish people were very accommodating and I think I would go back.  Even though I have eaten with my WND group many times, I usually don't converse with them and I usually proceed to play with my iPhone when I am done with my dinner.  I like the idea of WND but I would like to eat with a more diverse crowd.  It is usually the same 8 of us and most of the people are married couples around my age.  After dinner I watched the Red Sox game 1 of the ALDS at Game On! in Fenway. 

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