Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lucky Ben

24 hours of luck ... The picture to the left was taken during the 23rd hour.

It all started the previous night while I was running to catch a Red Line train in Harvard Square. The train had just closed its doors and was about to take off, and I was about 50 yards away. I decided to run for the train, and when I got there the doors opened for me (the conductors let this happen).

I got off at Porter Square and noticed that the parking lot I had parked in was unusually empty. Then, I noticed that there was a bunch of tow trucks near where I parked, and my car was not where I thought I had parked it. I walked to one of the tow trucks and noticed that it was blocking my car in. I immediately got in my car and turned it on. The tow truck operator got out and tapped on my window. "I drove all the way out here to tow this car" he said. "I live here" muttered Ben. He laughed. "Get out of here" he said. "You are blocking me in" Ben said.

The next afternoon I went to Mohegan Sun with two of three of my friends. They started gambling, and losing money, so they pushed me to start gambling. Being the cheap guy I am, I reluctantly took a $20 bill out of my wallet and set that as my limit. After 30 min of BlackJack I had brought my investment up to $85. To be safe, I put a $25 chip in my pocket, so that I could at least walk out of the casino up $5. My friends wanted to continue gambling, so I decided to gamble the remaining $60 on BlackJack again. I brought this up to $125 and then decided to quit ahead.

On the ride home, we almost hit a deer that was standing in the middle of the highway. I saw the deer when it was 100 feet away, but the driver was spacing out and he didn't see it until it was brushing against the side of his window. I am glad I still had luck in me.

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