Monday, November 1, 2010

Without a Car - Day 1

Day 1 of not using my car.

My inbound work commute involved a cold walk from Huron Village to Alewife (20 minutes), waiting for the Bus (15 minutes), then taking the Bus out to Hanscom Field (30 minutes). This inbound commute usually takes me 30 minutes by car, 20 of which are for the 1.5 mile drive from Huron Village to Alewife. My outbound work commute involved taking the Bus back to Alewife (40 minutes), hopping on the Red Line and riding to Porter (15 minutes), then transferring to the Purple Line and taking it to Brandeis (25 minutes). I have to be in Waltham to VOTE tomorrow morning, so I decided to do that commute tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Usually, I would have done this commute by car, and it would probably cost me the same in Gas and Time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Porter Sq T has 3 sections of stairs (60 + 117 + 22) for a total of 199 stairs separating the train from the street. (or 3 escalators).